Dieting on her card, but as soon as she gets her husband’s money she becomes a glutton and stuffs food like this!
Some women have a habit of crossing all limits of miserliness. They do not want to take out even a single rupee from their pocket for anyone else. Not only women, but many men also fall in this category of miserliness. But as soon as these people see the money of others, they start spending lavishly. That is, they are misers on their own money, but start showing hobbies like kings on others’ money. One such video is going viral on social media, in which a woman is seen dieting in terms of food on her own money, and pounces on food like a glutton on her husband’s money. The name of this woman is Tatiana Coello, who is a resident of New York.
Tatiana has written in the video that whenever I pay for food with my own money or card, I eat simple food at a low cost. But with my husband’s money, I eat everything from fish to fries, salad to chicken. In the video, you can see that Tatiana is eating only a few slices of bread with her own money, which would cost very little. But as soon as her husband’s card comes in her hand, she forgets dieting and pounces on food like a glutton. Tatiana orders everything that she likes. After this, she gorge on the table.