evil eye jewelry trend bracelet to anklet know different color benefits rules to wear evil eye jewelry will not only look trendy but will also protect from evil eye, know how to wear, fashion


I remember when we used to go out all dressed up, Mummy used to put a black mark behind our ears to protect us from evil eyes. Mothers have been protecting their children from this evil eye since childhood. First, they used to put a black mark on the forehead and a black thread around the neck. They used to tie black threads on the wrists and feet too. And this was not enough, if we got sick or something went wrong, they used to start warding off the evil eye using different methods. Somewhere or the other, we all are scared that our health, success and beauty might get affected by someone’s evil eye. It is believed that when an evil eye falls on us, all these things start going away from us.

There is another beautiful way to protect oneself from the evil eye, which not only beautifies us but is also quite trending these days. That is the Evil Eye, whose jewellery, show pieces, wall decor, door decor are available, even Rakhis are being purchased in large numbers. This Nazar Battu looks very beautiful and now it has made its presence felt in the global market.

What is evil eye?

Evil eye is a belief that is believed in every country and every religion. Astrologer Rahul Dwivedi says that when a person looks at us or our happiness with jealousy and sadness, he does not have good thoughts for us and he starts sending polluted energy to us. Many times even the person who casts the evil eye does not realize this, but his negative energy that reaches us can weaken our security circle and work starts getting spoiled. To avoid this evil eye, the trend of wearing an eye with four circles has started. This trick of evil eye is basically Greek, which is believed to have started thousands of years ago. Even today in Turkey, there is a trend of putting evil eye outside every house. In Egypt, jewelry with evil eye is being worn since thousands of years. Although there are many other ways to avoid the evil eye, but this method is also being liked because it looks very attractive. The biggest thing is that it is being accepted with an open heart, beyond all religions, sects and boundaries.

Evil eye in jewelry

For the last few years, a special trend of evil eye jewellery is being seen. Jewellery designer Vishakha Pathak says that evil eye jewellery is being worn by men, women and even children. People are liking its bracelets and pendants a lot. Apart from this, the trend of evil eye has also been seen in anklets and rakhis. They believe that it protects from evil eye and also brings good luck. Some people associate it with prosperity while some associate it with good health. Generally, two types of evil eye jewellery are in trend, one in which there are round eyes and four circles, while the other eye is a little thin and long and there is a pupil in the middle. Evil eye is basically blue and white in colour, but these days many types of colours can be seen in it which have different beliefs associated with it.

What do the colors of the evil eye say?

Different colors of evil eye are associated with different purposes. If you want to increase your efficiency and improve your health, then wear light green evil eye. Dark green color is for removing anxiety. If you want to keep your mind calm, then pink evil eye will be useful for you and if you want to remove depression, then wear purple evil eye. White evil eye represents purity and grey evil eye is an indicator of security. If you want to increase happiness, creativity and energy, then wear orange evil eye.

How to wear Evil Eye?

It is believed that the Evil Eye gives different effects on different parts of your body. If you wear it on the right side of your body, it helps in strengthening your career and financial condition, whereas if you wear it on the left side of your body, it protects your personal life. It is also believed that it should be removed before sleeping. If the Evil Eye has become dirty or damaged or broken due to any reason, then it should not be worn at all. Wearing a broken Evil Eye can have negative consequences.

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